I am so excited for our photo session at

Jennings Park!


0606 11

What I love about Jennings Park:
The flowers in Spring, the colors in the fall, the rustic house from the late 1800s, the well maintained garden and so much more!


77 2222

6915 Armar Rd, Marysville, WA 98270



There is more than one parking lot for Jennings Park. I will meet you at the parking lot off of 51st/Armar road. I have highlighted it with a yellow dot on the above map. I will be standing near the kiosk by the playground, at the red dot on the above map.

From there we will walk past the playground to the rustic house. Then we will go behind the house to my favorite secret spot and then wrap around to the garden. Depending on lighting, we may go to the left of the parking lot and down to the fountain (this has steep steps so please let me know if this isn't doable for anyone in your party).

If we can't find each other, please text or call me at (425) 595-8293

Let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing you soon :)